<body> Magical TurnAbout-- Let Me Spin A Tale, A ThouSaNd LighTs, A StaGe as Grande
...she's Beautiful

Phuay Hiang
Ngee Ann PolyTechnic,MCM Yr1
Poly Stage Factor
Loves Spanish
Loves Theatre
TraVelling the world
Loves performing arts
loves music
Loves reading, Writing

...Beauty ProDucts

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...Other beauties

MaRcUs ChUa


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    (: (:


    ...Beauty in the eye of the beholder

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Monday, March 31, 2008


    this is the last night i am actually typing in the cyberspace of dear Singapura... Tomorrow, i will be over at Beijing skies. And, for the first time ever at the 1.15am flight, i will be boarding the plane.. (even though they want us to go to the airport at 1030pm.. arrr).

    Nothing to really blog and i am tired.

    shall rest.

    goodbye people. cya in 10 days' time...

    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;

    Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    During the cycle at ECP, the wind tugging at my hair, the fast-paced cycling against all odds was the best moment. The night breeze touching lightly on the skin and i felt the shivers of pure bliss. I love the action and the serenity in the surroundings. Its definitely an escape. "A great escape. We're finally free tonight!" (By Boys Like Girls). There i was being cut off from the world and for a moment, it feels great. I want to do it again. The cycle. The night.

    I am really an idiot where these kind of matters are concerned. I always say the wrong things at the wrong time... I don't mean to hurt but i am just confused and its gnawning at me... I know this isnt being fair. I'm messed up. I don't know why it affects so much since the last. What does it mean? I am really bad at interpreting things and guessing at every step. I am sorry.

    I guess it has come to mean something but i'm not sure what.

    I just know that i need to run. Maybe one day i'll stop and see. A good training for 2.4km. haas... I know i still have articles to write but i am just bored and need my run. Maybe, i'll finally do some work after i come back.

    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;

    Saturday, March 22, 2008

    I hate it when you do that.

    You scream.
    you shout.
    You hurl all sorts of accusations.
    I don't want to respond.

    But you said i don't care.

    I just don't want to put up a fight.
    I rather have some peace.
    You can say whatever you want.

    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;

    I didnt get what i want!

    I guess i will just have to resign to fate and i tend to accept reality really fast. Because i believe in not dwelling on things that make me sad. Because i will be down the whole day. ok, does it even make sense? i guess not but who cares. As long as i understand, right?

    I got PRINT! I mean obviously i dont HATE it... I actually love writing... when i came into MCM, this is partially the reason for my exisistence and the sole reason why i wouldnt want a rudimentary education system, fixated only on the subjects i have absolutely no interest in. I think if i were to go JC, the only subjects i might even be remotely interested will be GP and biology. ok, i think biology is the most interesting science i have ever encountered in sec school.. no reason why. just pure liking. But, to others, that might appear crazy... its like the worse 2 subjects!

    But, that's not the point!

    The point is: I got PRINTJOURN! I wonder how i will survive in it. because i know myself that my writing is jus average and most of the times, below average.

    Save me.

    I want PR because it fits like lock-and-key to IMC, which i chose. Now, i have IMC with nothing to fit and it kind of feel weird and out of place.

    And, since i have started complaining, i might as well continue grumbling...

    My classes are like at the unearthly hr of 8am for 3 days of the 4. Argh. yea, i like it in the sense that it will end early. BUT, 3 days... and i live at HOUGANG. that's like so unfair.

    Mon 8 to 12am.
    Tues 10 to 2pm
    Wed 8 to 4pm
    Thurs 8 to 4pm
    Fri (IS day)

    ok, well well. its a long weird post. full of grumbles but oh well... these few days have been out and about the whole day... From jogging with 3 weird, funny, nice MONSTERS (some with magic... as if) to out with my cousins to eat, talk and play majong... haas... i know how to 'play'. Well, just some fun to kill the boredom.

    And, my thumb hurts for no particular reason.

    And, i am dreaming of my glasshouse. When can i have one... One with an open-roof at night so i can look up at the stars!
    Dreaming again.
    Now, i can only resort to looking at nice pictures in books.
    Library books.

    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;

    Saturday, March 15, 2008

    "went to 4i gathering tdy after work...
    went to ms neo house...
    at some weird ulu place...
    mimosa terrace...
    not bad...
    abt 30 ppl turned up...
    everyone still same same la...
    and me and nic and zj as always..
    haha bully ph... fun..."

    - Taken from Jel's blog

    ok... originally, i dont even want to blog and all but after reading Jel's entry (and owing to her having no tagboard...), i have to sort of reply here. The focus is on the last sentence. grr.

    Now, it all begins on Sat night, when we went to Ms. Neo's house for 4I gathering. Ok, i missed like 3 and well... i thought i would better come for this. haas.. And, i beleive ms. neo lived at some jungle because the road names are like Mimosa terrace, saraca or is it sacarra road... and begonia road... PLANTS! We took a cab there and even alighted at the wrong place.

    And, after some calling and all... we finally got there! Haas.. and that reminds me, nic tan is always like such a street directory (ops... hopefullym you are not reading this... haas.) Whenever I got lost last time, I will always know who to call. Thanks, yea?

    Ok, and now the part is when we go in, its only within 15mins or so and i am like "bullied". Argh. that is so unfair! But, i agree with you, Jel, is that.. its still the same ppl who did that... same in class and 2 years later, same here.
    "and me and nic and zj as always..
    haha bully ph... fun..."

    oh well, i will just have to resign to fate. Even Ms. Neo said, i am still the same in that aspect.

    All in the good name of fun i guess... But, I think this gathering is one of the most successful one amongst the 3 others over the 2 years? At least the turnout is good. And, yea.. played all the silly games and all...

    ok, the best part: We were going to leave.

    GY: "Qi Li, Xing Li" (translation: class stand, bow)
    [ yea, this is what we have to do in sec sch for every class]

    ALL: "Thank you Ms. Neo, Goodbye Ms. Neo"
    [ For old times' sake]


    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;

    Thursday, March 13, 2008

    She said:

    I escape.
    I avoid. I remain nonchalant.
    I cast it aside.
    I wanted to make my life simpler.
    I don’t want to think too much.
    I want to live life as it goes.

    It’s been like that since the last one. I know I shouldn’t do this. I shouldn’t keep running away from my problems and lack the courage to face up to reality. I am quite a coward to say the least. But, i am not sure of what i want and all... So, i chose to put it aside and wait for the answer to be brought to me. Yes, that's not being fair but for now, i guess its the best solution as it is yet.

    I don't want the distance of an ocean.
    Ok, another abstract piece since my last long long post... its not exactly directly related to me at all... just some random thoughts to start this new post. ever since the last. It's being long overdue i know and its gonna be long.. so just stop reading here.

    Reason for choosing this day for my blog piece: Its results day (and, its more than just results) and the thought of Dennis when he asked about our results and made us set our aims. We exchanged our aims and report our results. But, not now anymore. I made a promise that i will fulfil my aims because of him. So, if anybody is the source of motivation for me, it would have to be him. Thank you, dennis.

    When i said its long overdue, yes it is. Because i wanted to blog on his one yr anniversary, but i thought today would make it extra meaningful. I remembered the times we sat in the clubhouse and exchanged our aims and goals. And, i remembered the cremation day last year was the release of our results. its been a year.

    Memories as if yesteryear.
    The shout-outs from the bridge.
    The fun-filled sessions we had.
    The msn conversations.
    The friend I found in you.

    All's been well. I looked back at the post of March 2006 and read through how i captured you at my best memories. At least, its imprinted and i can always look back. But, shron, you captured him best.


    Now, as promised its gonna be a long post.. so too bad. pls stop here if you are really reading.. because its really long... haas. long overdue! And, as like always i have no pictures.

    Results. well, its been ok i guess..And, i am satisfied, especially after the worry. The previous night has been a toss and turn because of the worry for how it will all turn out. I know i did not do too well for feat and radio because of the last 2 assgns. And, that's been nagging at me. I have always loved feat. writing even though the outcome has always been blatant or a staggering disappointment. So, now i don't dare to say i love writing as it is. Has that fire diminished?

    I chose the electives:
    Integrated Mar. comm
    Public relations

    Now, i pray for the miracle to happen for me to get into these choices! I know PR will be kind of hard since i placed in at the third but i still hope for the miracle to happen.

    Why photojourn? Many would ask. Even i myself toyed with this idea for a long time before finally placing it down. Well, i have always loved photography. ok, love is a strong adjective. More the adoration and infatuation. I only possess a normal digital cam. Not the SLR, neither the DSLR. So, i wonder how i will survive in it. But, i believe if i get into it, it will be the one module i will really enjoy myself and go the extra mile.

    A picture tells a thousand words. How can one live without images?


    Lastly, i am starting to get tired of all these typing and long post. Argh. But, how can i conside this a LONG OVERDUE post if i don't mention this factbite that i am FLYING soon. to Beijing. Nah, its not the olympics though i could probably sneak off and stay there till the olympics. But, i wont.

    yea, to those i have mentioned countless of times, i am goin beijing for a study trip. Only 10 days from 2 April. But, its my first plane ride of my life. (laugh here if you want, but its true.) I am finally one step closer to freedom and one step closer to fulfilling my dream of travelling around the world.

    Even though i would have liked my first stop to be SPAIN but one cannot be too greedy, right? Learn to be satisfied not to be satiated. One day, i will go Spain. But, for now. Beijing it shall be. At least, its an SQ flight.


    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;

    Tuesday, January 29, 2008

    Believe it or not.. this week is horrible. So does this sem, even though yea, we might have compplained about the other sem too.. But, comparatively, this sem is shorter and datelines are really tight. These 2 weeks has been the most horrible times but also the best times in sort. well, last week, we had production going on and that's the good part, especially when the curtains were down and everything ended nicely. But, the bad part will be the time juggling between going for rehearsals and rushing through projects datelines... Then, the worse is yet to come.. This week, though it has been only 3 days and equally hectic, 2 fattt projects were due yesterday: PR FInal and WebD Journal. Don't be fooled by the word 'journal' and thinks that its some personal diary of writings where you can easily do up to 10 pages at one shot. But, alas no. It involves a whole lot of cutting, pasting, designing, drawing and writings... All in one. And, 50 pages of those. This is totally horrible. Considering I only really started in the weekends, did from 12 to 7am for sat, 10 to 2am for Sun and 8pm to 8am (all nighter) on tues, the dateline day. NO SLEEP!!! argh. And, there's hardly breathing space as i rushed for class, staggering into a cab, which is seriously overpriced and got to school just nice.

    Not a wink. Nothing.
    Now, today, doing an all-nighter for webD presentation tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    Why not just send me Good Luck Chuck?

    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;

    Friday, January 25, 2008

    2 weeks of severe lack of sleep finally crept in and yesterday was the one day where i slept most blissfuly.. Yea, i mean there are still tons of work to rush and datelines to meet for next week but... after PSF's production, everything is nice and completed. well, i would like to think that though its not true as yet... enough about all these ramblings because the main focus here is the play we staged yesterday: BLK 117.

    After the months of 'toiling' and endless hours of rehearsals, we finally staged it to a roaring crowd... (though i have no idea why the audience laughs at almost everything... but, well maybe its because we are desensitised and too used to the scenes). But, beyond that... this Arts' Outreach! might not have garnered the support we would have wanted in the first show.. but, at least we tried and no matter if the audience is just one.. THE SHOW HAS TO GO ON! And, it is when everything comes together and everyone has a good time... I know its worth it! BLK 117 is our fruit of labour.. the first play that is considered a full-length play to say the least... A script not taken from anywhere else but from PSF members and written by our dear VP... *pass some phelgm* and serena, our dear director. During the process, we might have faced a lot of difficulties and a clash with all the schedules, but ultimately, we made it and yesterday's turnout is the best testament PSF could have.. Before we step down. this is something we are all proud of.. at least, me.

    For all those who turned up, thank you for giving us your support and believing in us. To my dear friends, thank you for coming and for those who 'shouted' for me.. haas.. (almost making me laugh!!!) , thank you too.. its been great and awesome last night! Though everytime before a play, the feeling of trepidation and butterflies ae always around, but that thrill of going onto stage and belting out the lines... the ambience and everything else jus fills up that hole. Before going up the stage, we told ourselves, we will just go up and play, have a good time... because after all, to me.. the stage is ours at that time. haas...

    Awesome. And, finally, ending with a rememberance of the pillar of light, support and motivation for me and for us: Dennis, happy birthday. On this day, PSF put up this day, i hope we made you proud of us. The times where we struggled with the venue and the selection of the scripts, copyrights and all.. It all happens now. everything's finally right now. The year has been long and things happened... But, I will always remember what and how you believed in us.. pushing us along and conceiving this arts outreach programme (a slight change) and many many more.. for staying with us in our discussions and setbacks. We fulfiled what you have wished upon us and i sincerly hope that you are watching us from above and grinning from ear to ear.

    Happy Birthday!

    Thank you PSF.

    Beauty in the eye of the beholder;